Well, I have good news, and not so good news. As I had told you, we were expecting our chickens to arrive soon. They arrived! On Thursday of last week, we received 14 brand new healthy baby chicks. We bought 2 Silver Laced Cochin Bantams, 2 Golden Laced Polishes, 2 Quail Belgian D'anver Bantams, and 2 Mille Fleur D'uccle Bantams. Considering there were only eight one-day old baby chicks being shipped to us, there would not have been enough heat for them to survive. In order to keep these babies warm enough, they placed six little males in the box with them.
Alright, unfortunately… I have to tell you the bad news. Out of the 2 Quail Belgians we were given, there was one male and one female. The female seemed to be very disoriented from the start, but she was still my favorite. I named her Cricket. Cricket was out in the yard in the cage with the rest of her friends, but when we got home, we found that she was missing. We try to keep on the bright side of things, but deep down we know that she is no longer here. :(
Anyway, (back to a happy note) I was able to take my weekly Friday pictures of all of these babies now that they are a week old, and they are now able to be handled. These pictures are posted below along with captions, and the name of the chicken. (except for the males) I will not be taking pictures of each and every one. I will choose my favorite chicks or the best ones to take pictures of, and I will continue to take their pictures every Friday. Keep a watch out for more pictures! Thanks for reading my blog, and I hope you continue to follow my blog posts!