
Keeping an eye on things!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Happy February!
We are starting this month with a crazy chicken issue that would have been certain death, but has turned out to be something amazing instead. The picture below is of our newest house pet and our 2 dogs. Why a house chicken? She has a fully exposed breast bone that has finally started healing, but she will probably never be able to return to the flock.  The injury happened a couple of weeks ago, and while we did not notice the weird bone, she could not walk or even put weight on her legs so that became our focus. It is very possible that it is a birth defect that has only recently announced itself as a problem, because there is no apparent injury to the chest.

So now we have Avie, the house chicken. Each day, she gets stronger and is putting more weight on her legs and even stands for a few minutes but she has a long recovery road ahead. The mystery of her breast bone will probably never be solved, but with TLC and a veggie omelet each morning, she is well on her way to being a healthy chicken again!
Happy farming.

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