Welcome! Why Heeby Jeeby? That was the names of two chicks we kept as backyard pets (see original posts) so the name stuck! At HJC, we provide farm fresh, cage free chicken eggs locally, and have chicks and ducklings for sale in the spring. Our animals are raised antibiotic and hormone free, fed grain from our local feed mill and scraps from our garden and kitchen. Our hobby farm is growing to be a self-sustaining business, and we invite you to share in our triumphs and mishaps.

Keeping an eye on things!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Welcome to my blog!
Hello and welcome to my blog! Over the next few months I hope to share my experiences of raising and caring for chickens and ducks in my back yard with you. Let's start out by introducing you to my birds. The oldest is Psyche, pronounced sigh-key. She is a one year old Americauna named after the Greek woman who believed herself to be more beautiful than Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty. (You can thank my brother for naming her). Next in line is Puddle, a Cayuga duck. He is one month younger than Psyche and actually belongs to my sister. Then there is the unlikely trio consisting of; Pelo, a one month old Crested Runner duck, Heeby, a 2 1/2 week old Production Red chick, and Jeeby, a 2 1/2 week old Buff Orpington chick. Since they have been housed together for the last two weeks, these three are inseparable. We have yet to find out if Psyche will accept the babies.
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